New member hello

Tony Britton

Well-Known Member

New member here. I especially enjoy bird & wildlife photography and I've posted a new thread in the "Animals and Wildlife" section titled "Strictly For The Birds." I look forward to sharing my favorite "photographic souvenirs" and interacting with you.

Best regards,


"My wife and I make the perfect point-and-shoot photography team. She points and I shoot!"
Hi Tony. You are very welcome here. I look forward to your contributions, and will now go to your first, the Strictly For The Birds..
Well I saw your pictures before I realised that you are a new member, so sorry for welcoming you to this forum this late. A warm welcome to the pointer and the shooter from a place close to the north pole.
Welcome Tony, sorry for late welcome have not been here for a while with one thing and another but better late than never, your images are stunning.
Haha I love your quip about you and your wife. Mine isn't at all interested in photography, unless it's of our cats and giant rabbit!

Welcome, from a fellow newcomer.