New PowerShot G12

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Canon has announced its latest flagship PowerShot G-series digital compact – the PowerShot G12, that brings Canon’s HS System, 720p HD movie recording and Hybrid IS to the G-series to deliver premium image quality in stills and movies for professional and enthusiast photographers.
I had used a Canon g12 for several time ago and liked it.The PowerShot G12 is a recommendation for extraordinary images,the innovative Canon-HS system with highly sensitive 10-megapixel CCD sensor and powerful DIGIC 4 processor, excellent image quality even in low light at high ISO setting and virtually in all shooting situations. A high ISO setting allows photography with fast shutter speeds.
I got my name one one of these in a month or 2.......Defiantly, just to carry around when i aint got my 7D with me............!!
B&H price has dropped a little - $429.99

Looks like a good deal Vs the retro Fuji which is nearly 3x the price!

Darren - I can just see you being defiant with your G12 ;)
I've just bought the Nikon P7000. The choice was out of the G12, P7000 or the Panasonic LX5. I went for the Nikon because I already own one and would't have to load more resource hogging software and the fact it had a viewfinder. Turns out though that the P7000 uses a new RAW format called NRW, instead of NEF which is whaat my other Niko uses. Why they had to chage the format I ont know. Cheapest price I saw was around £390, the G12 was about the same. Supprisingly in the airport it was on sale for £332, the G12 was around £360.
I got my name one one of these in a month or 2.......Defiantly, just to carry around when i aint got my 7D with me............!!

Did you get rid of your old Fuji Darren??? That would have done for a walk about spare...
i dropped the Fuji 5600 lol & sold Fuji 9600....
I've just bought the Nikon P7000. The choice was out of the G12, P7000 or the Panasonic LX5. I went for the Nikon because I already own one and would't have to load more resource hogging software and the fact it had a viewfinder. Turns out though that the P7000 uses a new RAW format called NRW, instead of NEF which is whaat my other Niko uses. Why they had to chage the format I ont know. Cheapest price I saw was around £390, the G12 was about the same. Supprisingly in the airport it was on sale for £332, the G12 was around £360.

have you managed to get any sense out of the NRW format? does it work in photoshop or whatnot
I saw more recently that you can get the P7000 for around £340 from Amazon, cheaper from other oline stores but I'm ot convinced that they are reliable and that the goods are UK stock so you could loose the 2 year warranty.

The NRW format is fine and behaves like any other RAW format. The problem is that a lot of software does not handle it so you have to convert to tiff using the Nikon software. Adobe are not going to support NRW in any previous versions of Photoshop. It would seem this has been done to try to force people to upgrde to PS CS5 or the latest versio of LR.

I dont know how the P7000 compares to other cameras in its class but I like it. It does have a few issues and new firmware has bee issued already. One bug bear is that it some times has problems auto focusing but as a travel camera its superb.