New question very similar to my last

Ben Jennings

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I finally got the ok off the wife to purchase a new DSLR.

Now I've been scanning eBay and am stuck between choosing from 3 Canon models.


I'm aware that the 60D and 7D are very similar. And each model has it's plus points which are:

60D - Moveable screen, video, 18MP.
7D - Video, 18MP, better AF, better casing.
5DmkI - Full frame, and well it's a 5D.

Anyone had a go on all three that can give advice as to which would be the better option?



You can't get back the wideness of a full frame sensor, and the DOF effect that has on lenses. when you use a crop sensor camera.

The one downside is your EFS lens will no longer be useable with the 5D, so you'll have gap to fill in the 18-55 range
I'm a full frame kind of guy so I'd probably suggest the 5D. If you can find a good used 5D MKII I'd go for that. But as Chris says your EFS lenses are not going to fit on a full frame camera. If you need to keep using your present lenses on the new camera then my second choice would be the 7D.
the other one ...

in that order

the 5d might be a few years old, but being as your less worried about low light ... the full frame sensor is def the way to go imo
Its a much better starting point!
one of the best wedding photogs i know uses 5d's and rates them over 5dii's ...
+1 on 5D

IMHO, missing advanced features on 7D and 60D can be overcome by experience one way or the other, but the image characteristic that you get from a full frame sensor isn't something that can be compensated by skills.
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Cheers for your help guys, any recommendations for lenses that would fill the gap of the 18-55mm.

Not sure I would be able to afford a new body and lens unless any of you guys have a recommendation of a cheap standard zoom lens
18-55 on 350D is really 28-88 on 5D.

I recommend Tamron 28-75 F2.8 which I use. I actually prefer it over Canon's equivalent offering (24-70 F2.8), it's around half the weight, which is very important to me. As well as one third the price tag ;)
Thanks guys, appreciate the quick feedback, just scanning ebay now for lens.
... 18-55 is equivalent of 28-88 on a 350d
it wont fit on the 5d ... if it did it would be a 18-55 ...
Just clarifying that a bit ...
Thanks for the clarification, I meant to say 18-55 on 350D is equivalent to 28-88 on a 5D.

Also it's important as Chris and Hamish pointed out that EF-S lenses won't fit on 5D.

But luckily, I think Ben got it amongst all the confusion ;)
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Yeah I worked it out, thanks for the compliments ha ha. Won a 5D last night for £560 and the basic 28-80mm canon lens for £23 so looking forward to it all arriving now.

Cheers for your help guys.
Mate!! Barginous! I knew with a bit of effort one could be had sub £600!
I really badly want one!!
When are you and Alice next coming to see me and Hannah then! We should send them shopping or some **** and go taking photos!
She actually mentioned about popping soon, maybe in October during half term if money permits, definitely sounds good sending them shopping and going on a photo trip, would be well up for that.

I was pleased with the price, although Alice wants me to sell my 350D to soften the blow, shame as would loved to have had it as a backup and for her to use but she's more interested in the money. Ha ha
Well, I asked Alice's dad if he wants to buy it, he's been wanting a DSLR for about 2.5 years. But he's taking he sweet time in actually making a purchase, I'm pretty sure he won't ever get one as he never seems to want to spend the money on one. I'm waiting for him to get back to me which will probably be tonight.

If he doesn't want it you can have it for £150 if that's cool, that's with the 18-55mm lens as I now have no need for that.
Yeah I worked it out, thanks for the compliments ha ha. Won a 5D last night for £560 and the basic 28-80mm canon lens for £23 so looking forward to it all arriving now.

Cheers for your help guys.

Sorted! :)
... Bring it with up you if you havent flogged it already by then!
I mentioned to Hannah about half term, she said that sounded a nice idea!
I said we would pack them off shopping or somthing so we could go do some photography ... She seemed to think that "photography" was some sort of innuendo... I commented that photography would be boring for her but what we had planned she wouldn't want to see anyway, so either way shopping was the best idea for her and Alice ... She seemed fine with that, so I think we are golden ;) HA