Painting with Light

Laurie Parker

Well-Known Member
Ill try and explain this one I was gobsmacked how this came out yet alone went into a magazine!

Pitch black room couldn't see my hand in front of me, on a table was a white rollerblind for a background , underneath the roller blind was an old towel for the lightbulb to rest on, which makes the interesting creases below the bulb. My son held a torch through red and orange gel filters , doing movements in a paint brush stroke, then he just pointed the torch at the bulb which gave it its white light . taken with a 30 second exposure on tripod and this was result,its a completely clear glass bulb too

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Wow! That really is a thing of beauty. I suppose you have a 40x30 inch print of that on your wall somewhere. Beautiful lighting.
nope I got a ten by eight print in an album lol and kept the magazine lol - crazy how it turned out though seeing what it consisted off
yeah it is lol, gonna try food colouring in water next to make some abstract shapes , i need three images all different shapes then combine them and alter each image to a different shde of blue want an abstract for bathroom wall so gonna try it myself
If you use a glass bowl and warm it from the base, you'll get some lava-lamp type patterns. Oh and be sure to use Supercook, and not Dr. Oetker food colouring. ;)
lol Grez it is supercook hahaha - It was chosen for DSLR skills course in practical photography, got a lovely write up and critique by the editor, the module was long exposure so rather than do my usual waterfalls thought I would have a go at this painting by light, really surprised me how a torch and some gels can make this type of effect.
Hi Laurie,

Nice idea, love the tones and well shot.......all it all. I like it

I will have a look through them then also I have bookmarked that link now as I spent ages looking at his work last night, really is impressive
Great shot, the final result is so nicely diffused, with rich colour

Not surprised you got the write up in PP (Which I used to call Practical Pornography due to it's insistence on girly covers in the 80s-90s)

I managed a 12th place in a PP still life competition back in the last century - that's my PP claim to fame! LOL