Photoshop Retouching

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
I found a great selection of 'celeb' retouching examples today - it's interesting to see what's done, and how even subtle changes make a huge final impact.
















I see some recurring stuff - there are fixed for exposure and contrast, mostly pumping up contrast

Fixes for background - usually replacing studio backdrop with something more interesting

There are fixes for hair out of place, bulging in the wrong area etc

There are anti-aging fixes!

There are outright body sculpting fixes - height adjustments - feature enhancement...
I have used several of these myself as personal examples, hair masking being one to place a subject onto a different background and also some body sculpting, it's good to be able to do and definitely a good tool to have a handle on, but personally I think it shows how gull able some of the magazine readership can be
It has always been so. Half a century ago, any portrait studio of any size hired full-time retouchers who worked on the negatives with lead pencils. Skin magazines had airbrush artists on staff to create the perfect hide on their models.
Some women here get "glamour" shot portraits: They go to a studio, get all dolled up and have massive amounts of make-up applied, then have photos of themselves taken and touched up as necessary.

There have been a few over the years who have framed their own glamour shot and placed it on their desk at work. The glamour shots sometimes bear only the most meagre resemblance to the real person. Once I very nearly blurted out "Who's that?" to one woman. (Thought it might be a picture of her daughter on her desk.)
I know this sounds silly, I personally find those women more attractive without the "slight" enhancements. Or in Keira Knightley's case substantial enhancements. That one is just ridiculous.
I always knew that fashion photography was very heavy in the use of photoshop, but this is a fantastic illustration of how extreme it is!
Makes me feel better in a way, as looking at their original images, they are flat & bland...Just like mine! ;)
Oh..& which one is Keira Knightly?