Recycling is Good for the Environment


Ricoh GR Digital III, Curves, BBP, Perspecitive Correction (Distort) and slight sharpening plus crop is PS.

Taken near the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.
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nice, I like the tones although it does seem to me to have a slope off to the right. the grain on that post box is awesome. I see you also got an electrical box in there too, you sure this is Berlin? the wires trailing over the doorway look distinctly Indian!
I love it - very urban

The orange and yellow are a nice pop of colour - you could even try desaturating the whole image a little, not to B&W, but just a slightly less saturated look - maybe even a tinted look....
much better now the slope has been corrected :)

India fact: More people own mobile phones in India then have a toilet, so they really should be able to re route the sewer pretty quick