San Diego after dark

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Dodging the rain showers this evening, SWMBO and I headed out to Coronado Island in San Diego bay to shoot some after dark images of down town.

Initially the weather wasn't playing fair, and a large rain squall came through, causing using us to run for cover - but not before I'd captured a 'stormy city' shot.


We hudled under an awning for 15 minutes, and eventually the rain stopped - so I headed out again and set up down by the bay.

The clouds from the storm hung over the city, and reflected back the remaining twilight and down town illumination.

Exposures 15-30 secs at small apertures - tripod mounted Canon 5D MKII.



The colours come from using 'daylight white balance on the post processing, to really bring out the warmer tones.
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amazing view point you have found, & the city looks fab as night falls.........great work. Out the 3 images its number to that does it for me. I dont like the over warm glow in you last shot.

Just wondering how this view point would look when its completely dark. Thinking reflections in the water...........?

Darren - it was pretty dark by the time I did the final shot, but there was so much cloud reflecting back the man-made lighting that it never really got dark.

I'll have to go back again on a clear night.

I think that a sharp reflections shot will have to use a high ISO and shutter speed, as the long exposure technique blurs the water and really softens the reflections.
valid points chris......!! I have only attempted this kinda thing at Liverpool once or twice, on both occasions it was very dark & clear night. I kept away form to long an exposure and got some great reflections at the time.


I like the first one, I like the movement of the water at the base of the shot, it's almost tilt shift
