San Diego - America's Finest City

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
My EBAY purchased circular polarizer arrived today (Canon Multicoated job) - so it was off down town before rush-hour kicked in, to grab some test shots.

San Diego is buit on a beautiful bay, and you can get a great view of downtown from Coronado Island, which forms the barrier between the bay and the Pacific.

Here's a 16:9 crop, B&W high contrast in Photoshop


5D MKII 28-70 f2.8L - f20 1/20 ISO 100
Un-cropped colour version for ref:

Non polarized shot - 70-200 lens

Nice it works well, I must confess to not using one often enough. I know it can do wonders for the skys/water but I never seem to use one. I think the crop works well too.
I hadn't used one for years - then couldn't find it when I wanted it - so ended up buying one again!

Will be doing some landscape photography in Yosemite and Tahoe, so thought I'd better get myself all prepared.
I am not able to do landscapes, I just cannot get them right or for that matter 'see' the picture. I am much more at home in a city although I would love a crack at it in Yosemite, maybe one day.
When needing to eliminate a reflection in a shop window and having the option of shooting at an angle of very close to a 35°, nothing can match a Polaroid filter. When there is a need to remove refections from paint to saturate the colour when shooting film, there is no alternative.

However, the axis of polarization is an exact 90° to the angle of the sun. No problem with long lenses, but grotesque bulls-eye gradients in the sky with super-wides. It is far more effective to use the HSL tab in Adobe Camera RAW to intensify the saturation and reduce the luminance of the blue to produce a much more realistic and believable deep blue sky.
Larry - wide angle problem already noted - however, some of the reflection removal properties will come in handy - especially for some of the landscape stuff I have coming up in the next few weeks