Sedona Panoramic Vista

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
I took this panoramic today at sunset, stitching together 4 frames to make the final 250 MB image file.

This is a view of the Sedona landscape from Red Rock Loop Road.

Not sure about exposure, as I've had to PP this on the laptop.


If you control click on the image, you can get a larger version in a new window.
Only one thing I can say...WOW!!!
Tim, are you PC or Mac? - on Mac it's CNTRL and click over the image to get you the drop down menu to OPEN IMAGE IN NEW WINDOW
Tim, are you PC or Mac? - on Mac it's CNTRL and click over the image to get you the drop down menu to OPEN IMAGE IN NEW WINDOW

I've managed it now, thanks.

Windows 7 via Firefox... Right-click- Copy Image location - new tab - paste into title bar
Yep - I'm going to have a proper go on my calibrated screen - the first pass was laptop, and as usual, less than ideal!
Nice imagery Chris. Last year during Christmas week my bride and I went tent camping to Manzanita Campground in Oak Creek Canyon about 7 miles northeast of Sedona on 89A. It was cold then, this is a very warm and inspirational shot! Thanks for sharing! I agree that the foreground should be dodged and the upper left corner burned in a bit.