Smart Cart

It was literally the first thing that popped into my head and I had to stop and step back to take the image.


Sigma DP2 Merrill. ISO 100, 1/320s at f1:3.2. PP in SPP / LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
She is feeling good (which of course means she tries to do too much). At home but fast asleep now. They take the metal clamps out in the morning so she needs to be at the clinic at 08:00. They are irritating her so that is good timing. The operation was a success and her strength builds daily. Might give her another day off from modelling duties. As it's Easter you understand!

Actually what is interesting is seeing the impact of the anaesthetic on a loved one. When I had an operation a couple of years back Ina couldn't come to the UK (volcanos and work trips!). A close friend collected me from hospital and stayed for 3 days until I was OK to be on my own. He said that I was subtly but distinctly different for the first two days. I see the same in Ina and I will tell her when she returns to full normality (hers was a significantly longer operation than mine as things became complicated once they had started whereas mine was more straight-forward - or so they tell me). It is interesting to see in someone else what was noted before.
Brilliant!! Absolutely brilliant Pete, is the Sparkasse still to your right of the shot? ;)
Interesting, Pete. Also interesting is that your shooting this with a Merrill, and yet the look (color palate, softness) is so like your Leica images. Even if using the same processing I would have thought a different look would have prevailed. Very interesting.
Pete - life imitating art - love it

Have you heard of Smart Car tipping?

All the rage here in CA - at least, it's made the news recently

Very enjoyable shot Pete.
Take the car out of it and there is still a great shot there. What I enjoy most about this is how the handle of the cart and the grounded bars seem to share similar angles and "body language". A happy relationship.
Beautiful colouring on the cart itself but especially on the canvas cover.
Thanks all. So far the Smartcars of Berin have remained unmolested as far as I know Chris.

Thanks Tom, it was quite a lucky find. The trolley was there the day before but it wasn't until the Smartcar appeared that the elements became apparent to me.

And, you're right Brian. I had noticed this as well. For these sorts of shots it seems my processing / visualisation is dominating the inherent properties of the files. I do find I have to cool the colour balance after I process them to get the look I'm after though. I don't do that with the Leica files. I think where I do see the difference is where there is subtle light such as the shot of the harbour in HK and a couple of those street shots.
You mean Color Mode set to Neutral? I have mine on Std but what I meant was that the colour balance after processing in LR / Nik needs cooling a touch to get what I want (i.e. the look from the Leica). Straight out of the camera it looks very natural to me.