Hamish Gill
Tech Support (and Marketing)
Some more from a recent wedding ... I posted a comment on one of @Lee Webb's photos about my black and white technique so thought I'd show a couple of shots that I've used it on. It basically involves lowering the contrast but upping the blacks and whites to end up with images with a high contrast look but nice smooth midtones for skin tone

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Comments of course welcome!

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

G and Amy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Comments of course welcome!