Sunset on a (scottish) Plain

David Crosbie

Well-Known Member

A deceptive one. Looks like it could be taken somewhere exotic no doubt. Sadly, it was taken about 5 miles from my house just outside Edinburgh on a pleasant summers evening.

I took this on the way home from spending 6 hours shooting a wedding. Almost couldnt face holding a camera at that stage, but it was a shot too good to miss.
David, I took a nice picture of a stately home last year, and in Photoshop I airbrushed out some bits of litter on the lawn in front to make a better picture. Couldn't be cropped out due to positioning. Would you frown on that?
its not my place to frown on what makes others happy mate. It's just not my cup of tea. I think when you tamper too much, its no longer a photograph. Instead its a piece of digital art you have created.

That's fine, but at heart, I like to think of myself as a photographer. So try as hard as possible to leave adjustments to a bare minimum. typical workflow for me would be boost sharpness (due to anti aliasing filters) probably depending on the shot, use the recovery slider and fill light to bring back some low and highlight detail that digital seems happy to clip and then off it goes to be uploaded.