Critique Required The last image here

Ivar Dahl-Larsen

Well-Known Member
from me.
Brevik bridge by night.jpg
as Fuji xe2 has left my side and shall no longer work in my hands. ISO 3200 aperture 3,6 shutter 1/2 sec, hand held at 32mm, for those who may be interested. Others stay silent. And done in Jpeg classic chrome as I use as standard I may ad.
Interesting shot. I can kind of remember when I had steady hands, but it's been so long ago the memories have started to fade. Just like my old polaroid sx-70 photos.
Interesting shot. I can kind of remember when I had steady hands, but it's been so long ago the memories have started to fade. Just like my old polaroid sx-70 photos.
The fading memories, I mean. Not your shot. :)