The Lighthouse on South Rona

Brian Moore

As viewed from the Applecross Peninsula, Wester Ross, Scotland. It required some careful timing and a few failed attempts before I finally captured an image with the light shining.

Canon 7D.


This is quite interesting. Photobucket, the service I use to get a link code that I can use to upload images to RPF, has taken the color out of the sky. In the image above the light area in the clouds glows an orangy color in my original image.
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Once saw a Roman in the gloamin. But that's another story. This is a bonny image, Brian. Too bad about the compression by fotiebuckit!
I don't know for sure - better leave that to someone more knowledgeable about compression. I do indeed use Flickr. I haven't noticed any problems with it, but some people have complained of banding in skies occasionally.
Thanks Paul and Rob. I used Flickr a few times early on for RPF uploads but I won't pay for the Flickr "pro" upgrade so I'm limited to 200 images. So, when I recycled some images to put some new ones up, some that had been linked to RPF via Flickr went away, and so too did the RPF uploads. So I turned to PB. It hasn't bothered me until now. I suppose I just didn't pay very close attention.

Are there any alternatives?
There was another hosting site he mentioned a while back. I think it went down the proverbial tubes, though. (At least, the one I remember him recommending did.)
I upload mostly to RPF.
"Insert Image" icon (3rd from right) > "From Computer" > "Select Files"
But is there an option to upload a large image? I think I always have to click on your thumbnails to launch them, Ahmad. (I love looking at your pictures, Ahmad, but I'm not a fan of the thumbnails much.)