The Long Pod Sequence

OK, two images do not really constitute a series I know, but I was running out of titles. This is the same lighting setup as and captured with the Hasselblad / PhaseOne combination and processed in the same was as the colour image in that thread.


These look amazing as always Pete, this means that:

a. I need to get a collection of small easily stored but interesting to photograph objects
b. remortgage the apartment to afford shiny equipment :D
Love these, Pete. The colours are wonderful. With abstracts, the brain tries to make connections to something known. So, the first looks like an ariel shot of lava flow. The second lives at the bottom the garden, and its name is Wiggly Woo...;)

Actually these aren't so small David. Each is over a foot long!

c. buy a bigger place to own a selection of awesome but still quite large items :D
Yeah, the lighting is really lovely on these Pete ... I think I prefer the colour ones, aesthetically at least... The others had a bit of extra magic due to the way they were taken
Loving the first one Pete - almost African (art) looking
Pete I have for one reason or another missed out on the previous images of this series. Very strong images which portray a purpose of some sort, other than just photographs. Love the tones and the apparent simplicity achieved. Nowt like finding good natural shapes that are photogenic in their design.