Beth Anthony
Well-Known Member
glacier national park was closed for the season by the time we got near it. it was on fire on one end and snowed under on the other end. so we headed one state south to our other destinations. we decided to spend a day in yellowstone national park, it's not our favorite park ever, but we had some time to kill. it was foggy and snowy that day. and it was foggy in the tetons, snowed in the higher elevations, but not much in the valley. then went south to colorado to another park and the storm clouds were there too. we couldn't go more than a few miles into rocky mountain national park because they closed the road due to lowe visibility, snow and ice.
north of yellowstone on the 22nd. montana.
grand teton national park on the 25th. wyoming.
rocky mountain national park on the 28th. colorado.
north of yellowstone on the 22nd. montana.

grand teton national park on the 25th. wyoming.

rocky mountain national park on the 28th. colorado.