X100 W/A Converter Saturday AM

Really a nice set, Steve. The last one is a real cracker.

How do you get them to stare off into space beyond you? That's what makes your pooch portraits so excellent. (If I tried to get Sadie to sit and pose like that she wouldn't take her eyes off me; she bores holes through me with them sometimes.)
How do you get them to stare off into space beyond you? That's what makes your pooch portraits so excellent. (If I tried to get Sadie to sit and pose like that she wouldn't take her eyes off me; she bores holes through me with them sometimes.)

Well.....I think they are usually trying to figure out how to get away from "Dr. No" (aka "Mr. Don't" aka Steve) and have fun. "NO! Don't roll in that poop!" "No! Don't eat that rancid dead squirrel carcass!" "No! Don't crawl in that hole and get bit by something so I have to spend a small fortune at the Emergency Vet...AGAIN!" et al, ad inifinitum. You know, I'm basically just NO FUN period. :D
That wide angle is working a treat - that last one especially is a winner - nice PP as well :)
Many thanks Steve for taking the time to post the shots. The WCL looks to be an excellent addition and I am busy working up excuses and plots to get one under the nose of my long suffering COS.

Love the dogs.

I have been a COS and no one, but no one, has ever come close to SWMBO.

Beneath the exterior of kitten and puppy like loveliness lies a nose that can smell a courier driver delivering illicit cameras at 500 paces, eyes that can spot an extra 0 (filled in very quickly with black permenant marker) on a Fuji X100 and an uncanny built-in BS detector which only the brave, or plain dumb, would ever try and take on.

But as she could one day crack the password to this forum, may I say how honoured and delighted I am to have met and been married to the love of my life for 37 years.
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I have an ex-Wehrmacht Enigma machine alongside my trusty IMac

But, when I input 'COS', it breaks out in a cold sweat.

SWMBO is very, very scary.
I have an ex-Wehrmacht Enigma machine alongside my trusty IMac

I am laughing so hard I choked on my coffee!!!!

This probably doesn't help, but I've found that W/A converter to be really good. Really well built and fits the camera great. Actually considering the price it's very reasonable. A comparable 28mm lens would cost a lot more. Not sure if that argument will carry much weight but you could try it out. :)
Thanks Steve, the WCL is clearly the way to go.

Sadly the very same argument was written on a post-it and is languishing amongst the pile at the bottom of the floor mounted circular filing cabinet.

I tried to use Enigma to decipher the red capital letters, 'NFW!', scrawled in my beloved's handwriting on the post-it, but it flummoxed even that most efficient (yet endearingly prudish) Germanic code-meister.

I have tried most (reasonable in my view) arguments thus far, and whilst I have swapped fast moving projectiles with the Taliban in hotter climes, I am reluctant to take on the COS when she is in her, 'What part of No! did you not understand?', mode.
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Thanks Steve.

I will try that one, once I have adjusted my upper body armour and fitted my cricket box.

Having been married once I would definitely recommend the cricket box..........:)

You could always try out "but all my friends have one....." That never really worked for me, but it did elicit some level of sympathy.