Amazing "Deblurring" technology coming from Adobe

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I had a link to this sent to me today. I'm not often this blown away by photo correction software these days but this is absolutely stunning if it works as well as it looks!
Sounds as though it might not be coming that soon, but this alone would get me to upgrade from CS4 I would have thought!
The video here is well worth a watch!!


Quite remarkable!
Did you watch the video? It seems to work by working out the direction the camera was pointing and how that varied whilst the camera shutter was open ... I guess its an advancement in digital image stabilisation currently in some cameras
Sorry, my humor isn't actually that funny. I make myself laugh though - that's all that matters.

It does look amazing though. Really hope it makes it into the next photoshop addition
If that does come out sometime even I'll be able to take a sharp shot;) and it'll save carrying a tripod around with you...
Got to be added to the next PS & PE versions worth the price alone & hope they allow it as a plug in for everyone else.Much better than expensive & fragile VR, IS, OS etc lenses.
All wonderful and will change many people's lives. But didn't they admit that video was not a true to life representation of their technology, i.e. it was 'faked' to look like the proposed tweak to the software? Just something I read... So don't all get TOO excited just yet...
Hi Helen, no it is all true ! It is just that there is no release date as per Adobe always ,it might or might not appear in a future version, they never promise in the seeks.They have also used it on a very famous WW11 shot as well and shown the blur kernal on that then sharpened it, the difference is amazing.
This is the danger of such technology great though it is I wouldn't want to see it used on everything, certainly not some that have become icons of photography such as this, IMHO that is ...