That's a cop out - "maybe the one I used was a dodgy one" - I'm not saying it's not true ... I just think it's an easy answer when peoples experiences of kit varies!
I took some photos in Worcester not long ago of the student marches... I used a d3000 nikon, firstly with it's kit lens, then with a nikon 12-24 ... Every photo came out badly ... being used to the level of controls and functionality of a d3 you would think a d3000 would be a walk in the park ... Well it was ... So why did the photos turn out bad?? The easy option would be to blame the relatively speaking cheap camera ... But that in my mind is short sighted ... That fact is, I don't know what went wrong... But I suspect it was inexperience ... Not of mine as a photographer (obviously compositionally speakering they were second to none
) but a lack of experience with the kit I was using. Maybe I'm used to my cameras lightning fast reactions ... Or maybe it's a simple as I wasn't concentrating on what I was doing ... God knows ... It doesn't matter as I know that day was human error because I know many people who own the d3000 and get exceptional results.
My point is really that a £250 lens will give you £250 results ... Compare £250 lens a: to £250 lens b: and one might better the other in some ways, but overall I'd guess they would be basically evenly matched ... Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is always the case and a blanket rule to apply ... I'm really just speculating ... But the reality is te evidence often speaks for it's self ...
Laurie gets good images from lens in question so it must be a capable lens in the right hands ... Now we could blame quality control ... But does it vary that much??? Im not sure ... But I'm also less sure of the capability of two people to compare a £250 lens with a £300 in a "brief test [that] were by no mean technical or sophisticated" ...
Sorry Darren, I hope this doesn't sound like I'm having a dig ... I am in a way, but it's coming from a guy who recently couldn't get a perfectly respectable dslr to take a good photo ... What I'm saying is that these nuggets of info on quality are useful to other members but in my books they should be writen/read/understood with an open mind to the variables that might be at play and we should always be open to the idea that one of biggest variables is the numpty pressin the shutter release.
... I'm not sure how useful that meandering point is ??