Camera Clubs?

Stevenson Gawen

Well-Known Member
Are any of you members of small camera/photography clubs? I'm just curious. For the first time in my photographic life I'm living only 10 minutes drive from club meetings - namely the Chard Camera Club - and am now a paid member.

I entered my first competition a couple of weeks ago, and was (pleasantly!) shocked to win the DPI Portrait section. (I also now know that DPI means digital submission as opposed to a print...).
Only a small competition obviously, but still pleasing. This one was judged by Laura Pierce, apparently a well known portrait photographer, although me being new here didn't know.

This was the shot - most of you will have seen it already I think.

I'm told I'm a brave photographer 😄 to go all out on the black shadows, instead of retaining detail - but she loved it!

I'm enjoying the club so far, although it seems I'm a bit unconventional - no one has heard of my favorite software Darktable for example. ;)
There's a software workshop in a fortnight, so I'm told I do a short demo if I like :)

What's your small club experience (if any) like?
I attended a club meeting some 6 years ago. Although it appeared to be based out of a semi-nearby library, the meeting was held in a "satellite" branch that was farther still. I was unimpressed and never returned.
Great portrait Steve!
As Pete says, yes I am a member of one and have been for several years. I joined to have access to the talks by guest speakers. Competitions don't interest me at all, so I don't enter them. Although I did contribute to one street photography themed competition in order to help bump up the number of entries, as turnout was expected to be low. It turned out not to be so, and one of my images won the event.
I am also a member of a smaller group of film orientated photographers (none of whom are in the Lancaster Photographic Society), who meet to discuss photography. This is much more art orientated and experimental than the 'seeking the holy grail of technical perfection' type activity that many club photographers aspire to, and probably, therefore, more in tune with the average member of this forum!
I remember this picture, Steve. Congratulations on the award, absolutely well deserved! It was a photo that I may not have praised enough when it first came under my eyes, and if so I ask your forgiveness.

About clubs: I go to a photography club called realphotographersforum, but it's all kind of snobby people who only think about making pretty things or developing photos the way they did 100 years ago, I wouldn't recommend it.
. no useful clubs near where i am
That was the case for me, previously...
Thanks Pete! 😊
This is much more art orientated and experimental than the 'seeking the holy grail of technical perfection' type activity that many club photographers aspire to, and probably, therefore, more in tune with the average member of this forum!
Interesting you mention this - I have been astonished almost to derision by the time and attention given to things like mounting prints for competitions... An image in this contest seriously lost points for having a minor scuff on the print. I hadn't even noticed it. I felt like saying 'look at the image, not the paper for goodness sake!'
But after reflection it's all part of treating it as a craft, and deserves respect as such. Not really me though. I only entered files!

I go to a photography club called realphotographersforum, but it's all kind of snobby people who only think about making pretty things or developing photos the way they did 100 years ago,
Nope, doesn't sound much fun. 🤣😜
One of the best portraits I’ve seen on RPF
Sure you're not over-excited Rob? 😉 Sounds a bit excessive given the quality of work in this site... But seriously, thanks very much! Very glad you're on the mend too. (Re other thread)

continue being brave
I'll keep being stubborn and opinionated anyway 😄

The first time I saw this photo it didn't have such an exaggerated contrast, I think I remember. Am I wrong, Steve?
No, I think you're right... I haven't been at the laptop to compare yet, but I know I did reprocess it for the competition and also cropped slightly. Hindsight can be useful.
’d be the worst club member, and there’s also a bit of the old “I wouldn’t join a club that would have me as a member” in my view of clubs. Count me out.
Hmm ... Still thinking about this, 😄but I get the idea I think. I can be a bit prickly myself occasionally but usually too introverted to say much😶.........