Dang...just Missed A Leica M3 On Ebay


Thanks, guys. Still looking - quite a few rangefinders on ebay - Zorki, Minolta, Zeiss, Contax, Canon...difficult to know quality from the prices asked.
Yes, you can't change the lens on the Yashica Electro. Its a fine camera, though. Fine glass and quite fast (f1.7). However, they can suffer from deterioration of a tiny insulator deep in the camera's guts. When that insulator is not insulating the camera devours battery power insatiably. You can replace the insulator, though. (Its called the POD, or Pad of Death.)

I'm confused,...ain't this an old thread,...?
I also have a Canon Canonete GIII. Fine little rangefinder. (Can't change lenses, though.) I was interested in getting a Canon P for while. Interchangebale lenses. LTM. Still might some day.
Hmmm what about the SLR route - a Nikon F2n, F3, F4? Reading up on the differences between them.
never turn my nose up at one of those early Nikons. However, I must add that if you are considering an SLR, why not consider the Olymous OM? I picked up an OM-2N a few weeks ago and I couldn't be more happy with it.