Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
And other of course!!!

These are my not so good efforts of Dunstall ruins a few years ago.
alot of it is just messing/testing/ and exporing the newly bought camera more than anything.
but hey..... just a few very amature randoms.

PP'd out the padlock on this shot

The explorers on at the door of Dunstall! lol (yep, I know, the picture is pizzed) :)



Not sure what contraption this was?!?! lol quite like the abnormality though.

Thanks for looking :)
Really nice set, Dan. I especially like numbers 1 and 4.

On 4, do you recall, and if so, would you mind posting, aperture, shutter speed and ISO?
Ha! Thanks folks! :)

I wouldn't of considered posting these if it wasn't for the influence by KK! Thanks KK! :)

Brian, I think the shutter speed was about 40secs, ISO 100, illuminated with a torch, and I think the apature was 5.6 as it gets pitch black out there at night, but I'm not sure on that..... In fact all of it!!! Lol.

Pete, Me and mini mummy had a chat about the birds and the bees, then the next thing you know....... :D:D