Favourite photo from SIlverstone

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
the exhaust manifold did a whoopsi .. this was ed doing a botch fix


you thought it was gonna be legs or boobs didnt you... didnt you?? i know you did ;)
What's he doing with that welding screen up? Adds a whole new meaning to "flash" photography.

Nice capture of the welding process!
Isn't that going to cause him to go blind???

Talking of going blind - here's one of my favorites from Silverstone ;)


Sorry, yes I am going straight to hell I know - the horizon isn't level...
you know what I like about that 1st photo?, the tools on the bench such nice tones to them...crop the back of the blokes head out and a little off the side and I think it looks much better.

Lovely car that. Couldn't you ask that young lady to get out of the way, though?
Lovely car that. Couldn't you ask that young lady to get out of the way, though?

She kept insisting it was her job!

I had to slap on the 17-35 wide jobby, just to try and work around her... LOL
just check out the tones on them tools! ( am I sad?)

maybe the crop looks a tad tighter then I thought, but I think it's the way to go.

I did think about B&W but the tools just need to be colour, the small splash of the red handle adds so much to the shot (ffs don't selective colour it please :P ). I'm drawn to them straight away and them all over the rest of the tones. Now I love B&W but I really dont think it 'works' here.

I did think about B&W but the tools just need to be colour, the small splash of the red handle adds so much to the shot (ffs don't selective colour it please :P ). I'm drawn to them straight away and them all over the rest of the tones. Now I love B&W but I really dont think it 'works' here.


yeah your prob right, my faves are the first one and the sepia one... its just an image i have come back to and tinkered with to see what "effect" can be gotten a lot of times... one of those favorite images, tinkerd with a lot... im sure most people have done the same :)
I think I would have maybe just cropped and played with the tones, so any other version would be out.

I tend not to revist photos once they're done. I don't know why. I guess maybe the 1st version is the one that I liked enough to save, if I don't like it for any reason I tend not to save it.

Ahh, I'm a terminal tinkerer ... I have so many versions of this as I was trying to make one interesting for the "under construction" page of my web site a few years back ... I setled on the first one...
It has also been used a few times when learning techniques in lightroom ... Those are just the ones i can find... I have a good few more :)
I tinker also but never save more then one version, maybe I should, but then again I nearly always forget how I got to the end result. Which can be a pain.