First roll of 120 b/w film, process advice please...

Peter McCullough

Well-Known Member
Ok, after many many (many) years I've recently loaded up my Mamiya C330S TLR and shot a roll of Fomapan 100asa 120 format.

So question is, where might I post it off to for processing within the UK..? As I'm so outta touch with processing/printing do you now get a contact sheet and a DVD or something..?

Any advice most welcome on where to post my b/w 120 film (?).

central Scotland
Wish I could help, Peter, but being in USA I can't offer any advice as to where to get it processed. However, I think @Rob MacKillop was using the services of someone who is connected with RPF. Perhaps Rob can recommend someone.
Great replies guys, thanks, I'll use them next time round, really appreciated.

I called Andy from Bob Rigby Photographic for his advice and they recommend Harry Lea at 'MPS Imaging' based at Liverpool, so I just about caught the last post this afternoon and sent off the Fomapan 100asa 120 b/w film for processing and 5"x5" prints to see how they turn out.
