Hi From London

Mark Albertsen

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Like the look of this, new to the forum scene as never really new what to say or show..

Im a product photographer mainly shooting fashion apparel and the odd look book, basically stuck in a studio shooting mannequins :(

Am keen to get creative with my photography in all genres, share with like minded people and also show some of my personal work. Oh i use full frame nikons plus Fuji xe-1 as my street camera.

Hi Mark. Welcome to RPF. You've launched you forum experience with a cracker of a shot! Well done! Looking forward to more.
Welcome Mark, as you have probably already formed a first impression of the membership here I'll just add my bit to confirm yep the majority here are a mad as the march hare, enjoy your sentence in the mad house
Welcome Mark, be interested to see the look book work. I concider my self as a branding and design photographer (if such a thing exists) for work, so your sor of thing is certainly of interest to me
Welcome Mark - glad to have you on-board

Cracking environmental portraits there - where about's were they taken?

You'll find this a humorous place (you may already have noticed) - with a great bunch of like minded folk, with a huge range of skills and experience to share