While out Birdwatching at the weekend there was a lovely sunset. Shame I only had my 400mm lens with me, a wider shot showing a bit more of the industrial landscape could have looked nice.
that second one is awesome ... the first one is good ... but the sun in no.2 ... really good!
how about desaturating the green in the foreground so there is just the purples and orange tones in the whole image?
Yeah... I think Paul is right, it's often good be limited by a choice of focal length ... Would you have taken these shots if you weren't or would ou have just ended up with a possibly less interesting wide shot ..
Great colour and I really like the smoke pouring out the chimneys
Ive been past the factories by Port Talbot in Wales when the suns been going down a few times, and would love to get a few shots of the huge factories with the smoke pouring out and reflecting against the lakes by the motorway. I just need a way of actually getting to them!