Little Blue Bucket

Darren Turner


Just a random shot of this small boy playing on the beach on a very grey, grotty windy & cold Autumnal day. I was actually sat on the beach myself with the nephew building pebble towers and this lad caught my attention.
Great capture.
Reminds me of eating ice cream in the snow. :/ well, err, well you know what I mean.... Lol
Like it! :)
Typical British summer if you ask me! ;)

Lovely comp with the OOF pebbles in the foreground, and the compressed perspective of the rocks behind
That kid's in his own wee world and the OOF in foreground and background emphasize this point very nicely indeed. Very nice shot, Darren.
that's superb mate, absolutely spot on dof!!
If im being picky, id maybe crop out the sky so the backdrop is just rocks and the the image is slightly tighter to the kid...
Otherwise, great shot!
have you thought about, doing stock shots ... your quite good at getting archetypally english photos