Critique Required Needs Something Else

Peter Blake

Well-Known Member
but I can't think what. small parachutists photographed from below? in a multitude of colours? lemmings perhaps? diving ground ward.

the cloud needs to be moved? definitely a background for something, even if it's not much of a shot in its own rightDSC_5527.jpg
maybe. given the surreal nature of the image, I naturally though of something equally surreal in the sky. might be a something for Alamy or similar
"Alamy...." Sorry Peter I don't know what that is.

As for the airplane, Darren Bradley posted an image some time ago and the perspective was looking up beyond the facade of the building to the sky--not dissimilar to your perspective in this picture you've posted--and he had captured a jet liner in it. It looked smashing to me. That's where the thought came from I think. (A contrail might be a nice touch if you do add a plane.)
I'm with Rob, first thought, Spiderman. Plus size, be nice to view this type of pic larger. Love the dramatic tones of the sky.