Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
And the landscape of a face?
Dan there is no guilt. I still have not gotten the answer that I was looking for. I wanted to discuss the merits of shallow DOF. What does it add to the art of photography? Is there a sense of communication when only a person's eye is in focus. If it were Hitler's eye, I could see the art in that if one was trying to look into the mind of a monster.
I agree with Davie. If I am a pictorialist, I am creating an image as I am seeing it, not simply recording it. Our eyes do see just the eyelash, but it continues to roam taking in the whole face. The same is true of a landscape or a plate of food. Our eyes roam the entire scene creating a whole image. Isolating an object from the background and foreground to focus the brain of the viewer on what the artist specifically wanted them to see is a valid argument for the shallow DOF.
It is not important to agree or disagree with me. I want to know if our member think this type of photograph is gimmicky or is it a valid approach to artistic expression through the camera?