Oscar Eric Cattermole

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I'd like to announce the birth of my third child into this world, my little boy Oscar.
Born 04/04/2013 at 21:28hrs following a 4 hour labour I only one push!!!

My wife chose to have a pool birth. The taps were still running when my wife and I made a transition from one room to the pool room. Clothes stripped, her dignity lost (hours before this), swift move into to pool (taps still running).... Then BOOOOOM! A baby was born.

Millie's birth was so quick last time I physically had to pinch myself for a reality check. But this was something else beyond belief!!

As my wife delivered the baby herself in the pool, the midwife who had explained that she has delivered a 1000+ for reassurance and comfort even stood there in physical shock and disbelief as to what had just happened, and explained that this was the first experience and quickest birth she'd ever seen!!!

Excuse my French guys..... But **** me it was ****ing quick!!!
It did come at a consequence by having extremely intense contractions (so glad I'm born with a **** n balls)

Anyway, welcome Ozzy!

Untitled by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
Congats to you and the misses Dan

Reckon he should be nicknamed speedy :D
Congrats buddy, and to your Lady ... and then there were 3 ... If my missis is to be believed, this is where I will be in a few years ...
Lots of pics to come then :)
Congrats Dan and family, it's great when it goes quick (not for your wife of course) .... Brilliant, so happy for you
Congratulations Dan!

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Congratulations Dan!

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Congratulations Dan!

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Congratulation Dan!

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LOL, Sorry for the repeats, Work laptop and internet connection making using this a clunky and sketcy experiance!
Congrat's Dan and Mrs. Dan.

More sleepless night and dirty nappy changes to look forward to;).

My son beats yours in the short labour stakes though, waters broke at 19:10 and he popped out at 21:12 (must be something about being born in April, he was on the 7th).
awwwww congratulations to you both :-) real handsome looking chap eh :p

( are we gonna run a bet on how long it takes Oscar to hold his first camera ;) )

Thanks Daz!

To be fair though....... He really can do it with his eyes shut.

Congratulations Dan and your family. May Oscar Eric Cattermole be happy, healthy for a long life. :)

Oscar Eric, welcome to this beautiful world! Your dad has already handed you a camera, and many photographers from around the world cheer for your arrival. :)