Pedestrian Tunnel

I like these. I prefer 2 and 3 over 1 and 4, though. 2 for the red and 3 for the toned down colors. I would have been tempted to shoot each from a very center position for maximum symmetry. Did you avoid that deliberately? Nice shots anyway.
Cool locations - how come there was no one around?

I usually wait for ages to get a people free shot!
I think all the times I've been through I've seen about 6 people in total, its just not somewhere people need to use very often and not a nice place to walk through.
There obviously wasn't a lot of light and what there was wasn't very kind. I think #1 is better than #3 but possibly some more forceful PP would zip it up a bit - Picassa detail extractor? The two escalator shots both suffer with that burnt out area at the top. In all 4 the converging lines and stuff work very well and the lack of symmetry didn't bother me. I do like the repeated bands of light in #1.

Hi Peter

I particularly like number 3 for the toned down colours and strong the inclusion of the strong forground