Larry Bolch
Well-Known Member
If it works, don't fix it.
I have to concur with Brian/Pete. I also wouldn't have known about this forum if it wasn't for Chris. So thank you so much Chris! I was looking at the Fuji forum on DPR because I was trying to learn about photography. Personally I found that forum just a bunch of obsessive "gear wanking." To me the "gear" is an important part of photography, but I want to see pictures of actual things I like as opposed to "I just got the camera and I stood in my front yard and took this photo and I'm really unhappy with my camera." Some of the most interesting photos I've seen weren't taken with a $4000 FF DSLR. Case in point is Chris' great photos with the waterproof Canon (of course now I want one....[banghead]). I also had participated on a couple of other forums that I found be less inclusive to put it politely. This forum is a very friendly/knowledgeable site without the competitiveness. To me photography is an art and has a subjective quality to it. That's something people here seem to understand that I did not get with other forums.
I love RPF. I don't always comment on the photos because they are better than the ones I take. But I always am looking at them because I learn so much from the actual photos and the commentary. I also really appreciate the positive feedback I have received here. Positive in the sense that I feel like the members are trying to help me improve.
I have enjoyed like the homepage. I've found some great articles to read there. For example, I found out about Fade to Black and the Fuji Klasse cameras there. These are extremely well written articles that contain a bunch of valuable information for a novice like me.
I would also like to say this is the best online community of photographers I have ever seen. There are just some amazing photos posted here. That's what really stands out for me. The quality of the photos. I love photography and this is monograph quality work you guys are posting. Thanks for the site!!!!
Brian- I bought the Hawkeye at the thrift store on my lunch break.
Brian- I bought the Hawkeye at the thrift store on my lunch break.
If it wasn't for a several people on this forum I would have already sold my cameras and been done with it. Thanks look where I'm at...I have a Brownie Hawkeye I've got to take apart and clean.....
11 hours after the above original forum post that was originated from the U.K., I received the following message personally addressed to me in California (7 hours into my awake hours)
It is rare that I contact all of our membership in one go. But i would like to draw your attention to this thread:
If you contribute to the site, just read it, or don't even visit any more, I would like to hear your thoughts!
Well, I'd like to thank my friends in this community and bid you farewell on this platform. It's been fun, and I have enjoyed every bid of it. If you'd like to stay in touch, I'd very much enjoy that. Thank you Rob, thank you Pete, thank you Glenn, thank you Brian, thank you Julian, thank you Lesley, thank you Chris, thank you Stephen, thank you Dan, thank you Peter. Forgive me for not mentioning of all your names. Best wishes to all of you at RPF.