Hamish Gill
Tech Support (and Marketing)
Mooching on kickstarter over lunch today I found the quickdraw. There are often photography related bits of kit (as well as lots of photobook) project on there but this one caught my attention. As I mentioned here http://www.realphotographersforum.c...ally-silly-question-camera-case-lens-cap.html I have a habit of hanging my 70-200 precariously of my belt loop without a RLC on it. This qickdraw would solve two problems in one go ...
Very nifty Idea that imo!
the video here is quite amusing too ... I am literally all of the types of photographer
Quikdraw - an innovative lens holster by Riley Kimball — Kickstarter
Very nifty Idea that imo!
the video here is quite amusing too ... I am literally all of the types of photographer
Quikdraw - an innovative lens holster by Riley Kimball — Kickstarter