Snap of the Day (2010)

Here's a snap from Sunday. A typical scene at 4 in the afternoon in a German household at this time of year. Fresh plum cake.


View of the un-renovated apartments opposite. They've been empty for the last 2 years but hopefully soon some work will start and I can upload images as the building changes (or less often as it falls down!).


Ricoh GR Digital III (JPEG's embedded with DNG files - reduced in size a touch in PS)
Had a meeting today in Nürnberg which finished early and so had an hour or so to kill before going the the airport. Well is was Altstadtfest and so for the snap of the day may I present Klaus McAusten! Mercifully I missed his performance...


...but did unfortunately catch this one!!


Ricoh GR Digital III, DNG to JPEG in PS with minimal correction.

well butcher today brought me this into the restaurant kitchen........... Gold star awarded to anyhow who knows what it is
calves liver it is / was and tasted dam fine...........
Just coming back to the studio from lunch and spotted these peeking out from behind a skip.


Colour pretty well as is from reflections off the brickwork around (that's what caugt my attention first). Cropped square a the skip was full of plaster and was glaring white and beyond the range of the Ricoh GR Digital III. ISO 64 1/200 f5 (manual mode).
The protest is part of a co-ordinated series throughout Europe organisised by left-wing groups. This one was by a group called the Die Linke whose politics are basically those of the former GDR. Most of the protestors were not your normal tax payers shall we say and the banners say (in English - presumably for the press) "Pay you Fu****s" - clarly a subltle message with deep underlying social implications!!

The piciture was taken at Hackesche Markt looking toward Alexanderplatz in Berlin (TV Tower in background). Tons of police and helicoters looking out for potential violence from far right groups. If any had started it would not have lasted long!!

Ricoh Gr Digital III, DNG to JPEG via PS - levels adjusted slightly.
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is that a question... "Pay you ****ers?" as in "why should we"
or "pay you ****ers" a statement, as in "pay us you ****ers"
i guess thats why you says its so vague
ps we have a swear filter, you dont have to *** your own swear words... we censor them for you...
i dont like being a censor really ... but i was over ruled by the other admin