The Longest Day

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
got the xt-1 shippimg notice this morning, to be delivered today. called in all of my favors and even used some blackmail so i could take the afternoon off work so i can sign. but i may not make it that long the way this day is dragging by... @Chris Dodkin won't be the only xt-1 owner for long. :p
made it home. waiting not so patiently by the front door with my voodoo ups delivery truck with my finger mashed down on the gas pedal. they don't want us surfing the internet at work anymore, so i may as well use this time to catch up on rpf.
the buttons are different (convex and angled into the camera instead of concave and sitting on the surface) from the x-pro 1 and seem to be harder to press. haven't found a way to turn the lcd off and just use the evf. i rarely used the lcd on the other cameras and find eye detect to be annoying. small issues, still love the camera..
Congrats Beth!

there's a button on the right side of the hump that turns the EVF/LCD on/off

Recessed buttons not my favorite thing - but I'm adjusting
Beth, I'm interested in how you progress. I really like the look and the concept of the XT-1. Where is that tax return when you need it?

I managed to work from home today. That allowed me to collect my XE-1 with 18-55 ($600 new). Then it started raining so I bravely stayed indoors. Looking forward to the weekend.

Post some pictures Beth and let us know how you get on. That Chris Dodkin has a lot to answer for!
congrats on the new x-e1. the 18-55 lens is an impressive piece of glass. you'll have a lot of fun with that camera.

so far my biggest disappointment is that it came at the beginning of my 3 day work week. so i haven't had any time to play.

the handful of raw files i took on Wednesday wouldn't load in lightroom, but i found a beta acr release and that worked fine, the image quality is truly impressive, it seemed better than my x-pro or xe-1, but i haven't taken enough shots to really judge that yet. the viewfinder is the best I've ever seen, bug and bright. love the manual focus aids, esp. the split screen focusing.

the camera controls are all in intuitive spots and build upon the previous designs of other x series cameras. the programmable buttons are a nice touch without being too confusing about what their assigned functions are.
I dont want ro read anymore as Mr Wal Let has rejected my appeal for a sub and I feel a need that should be satisfied but is sadly going to have to wait :(

Looking forward to seeing the results of this piece of junk :D

You can't tell that I'm a tad jealous can you?o_O:D
My very kind and long suffering girlfriend is in New York and has just treated me to an Xt1 it will be in my sticky mitts on Tuesday. A very happy camper :)
Crikey - she's a keeper!

(And the GF) :D