You most certainly can. I also came here from AoS and, although I love music, and to a lesser extent HiFi, photography (at least image making) trumps it - I almost never engage with AoS but now administer RPF!
I will try to take some pictures of my current setup, I love yours, Chris). At present it comprises a pair of Rega Ela speakers (that I bought new in '89 and that I am probably too attached to, but they sound amazingly good) with Townshend Supertweeters linked to Meridian 205 power amplifiers with fairly ancient Exposure cables. That is fed by a Townshend Allegri+ pre-amplifier. The sources are a heavily modified LP12 (tangerine top plate, aKula sub-chassis, Funk F.X-R II arm with Dynavector DV DRT XV-1s cartridge) powered by the Linn Radikal PSU and motor and coupled via a Linn interconnect to a Linn Uphorik phono-stage optimised for the Dynavector cartridge. The second source is a Lector Digidrive III / Digicode 224 DAC (coupled via the Lector balanced interconnect). The other interconnects are Townshend DCT300 Isolda cables and the turntable and CD transport sit of Townshend Seismic Sink platforms. I also have an Onix tuner and used to use Onix pre-amps (in Germany I still use Onix). Mains is is fed via two Isotek Sigma units and an Isotek Titan unit. The mains cables are a mix of Isotek and Iso-acoustic units but will be changed to ones built by MCRU very shortly.