olympus om2n

  1. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Portrait Of A Lamppost On Grass

    Norfolk, Virginia. Olympus OM2n and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.
  2. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Legging It To A Wedding Shoot

    Gasworks Park, Seattle. Olympus OM2n and Kodak Gold 400 film.
  3. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Seattle Central Library

    The Seattle Central Library was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and was opened in 2004. It's a magnificent building. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Gold 400 film.
  4. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Barn 40

    An old tobacco barn near Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Tobacco barns dot the landscape in CT. This one was visible from my hotel room and the early morning light was rather sublime. Olympus OM2n, Olympus 35-70/f3.5, red #29 filter, Arista EDU 100 film.
  5. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Portrait of Self: Cleveland

    Olympus OM2n with Ilford HP5+ processed in Cinestill DF96 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  6. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Some Images From The Airshow

    For the third consecutive year he city of Huntington Beach has hosted an airshow featuring either the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds or the U.S. Navy Blue Angels as the main attraction. In 2016 I shot from the beach with my Canon 7D and Tamron 18-210 zoom lens. In 2017 I shot with the same set up...
  7. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Profile of The Broad

    The Broad (pronounced as in "road") Museum in Los Angeles, as seen from upstairs in the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Tri-X 400 film processed in Cinestill D96 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  8. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Gort Welds

    On the day after The Day The Earth Stood Still, Gort learned welding. Spotted at SkillsUSA in Louisville, Kentucky. Olympus OM2n with Fomapan 400 film processed in Cinestill D96 Monobath.
  9. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Blue Jays vs Angels

    Angel Stadium, Anaheim California. June 30, 2018. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Tri-X 400 film processed in Cinestill DF76 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  10. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Blue Jays vs Angels

    Angel Stadium, Anaheim California. June 30, 2018. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Tri-X 400 film processed in Cinestill DF76 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  11. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Changeup!

    At the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim versus Toronto Blue Jays game on June 30, 2018. In baseball parlance a "changeup" is a pitch intended to fool the batter into thinking a fastball is on the way, when in fact the pitch thrown is much slower. The ruse is based on the pitcher's motion which is...
  12. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed A Detail of St. Basil's

    I think this might be the entrance. Olympus OM2n. Tri-X processed in Cinestill DF76 Monobath.
  13. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed St. Basil's Chapel On A Wet, Dreary Day

    This is in Houston, Texas. Shot with my Olympus OM2n and Olympus 35/2.8 shift lens with Kodak Tri-X 400 film. Normally I process my B&W film in Rodinal. (Although I went through a period a few years ago using Caffenol as a developer.) However, I had recently used the last of my Rodinal and...
  14. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed A Street in Céret

    Olympus OM2n with Olympus 35/2.8 shift lens and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.
  15. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed A Golden Doodle on the Steps of the Walt Disney Concert Hall

    Olympus OM2n and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.
  16. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed The Wrigley Building, Chicago

    Completed in 1924, the Wrigley Building was headquarters of the chewing gum manufacturer. The mottled effect on the clock tower is caused by the sunlight reflecting off the windows of the building opposite. Olympus OM2n with 35/2.8 "shift" lens and Arista EDU 400 film processed in Rodinal.