Pete Askew
I have at last figured out how to cancel my subscription to Professional Photographer (damned D/Ds!). It used to be good but now seems to be about how to start a wedding business - I just find it annoying and the content etc is very poor I think. I do still subscribe to BJP (excellent) and B&W though (although I agree the latter does get a bit samey). I have taken a subscription to Aperture also but I am very disappointed with it and will cancel. I also get Schwarz+Weiss in Germany every month (patchy) and often Fine Art Printer (good but in German), Foto Classic (has the occasional excellent portfolio and some nice stuff on classic cameras - again in German) and Brennpunkt (always good and a bargain - it mainly about upcoming or current exhibitions in Germnay). And LFI (English version) plus the first issue of M (very good). So hardly any at all really!
There are a few good online magazines and I usually download F11, Adore Noir and Adore Chroma and Blur (probably my favourite).
The most interesting magazine I have found though is Diffusion but it only comes out (approximately) once per year!
Are there any I'm missing out on - there's always room at the top of the stack!
There are a few good online magazines and I usually download F11, Adore Noir and Adore Chroma and Blur (probably my favourite).
The most interesting magazine I have found though is Diffusion but it only comes out (approximately) once per year!
Are there any I'm missing out on - there's always room at the top of the stack!