Buying a printer - Canon or Epson

I have at last figured out how to cancel my subscription to Professional Photographer (damned D/Ds!). It used to be good but now seems to be about how to start a wedding business - I just find it annoying and the content etc is very poor I think. I do still subscribe to BJP (excellent) and B&W though (although I agree the latter does get a bit samey). I have taken a subscription to Aperture also but I am very disappointed with it and will cancel. I also get Schwarz+Weiss in Germany every month (patchy) and often Fine Art Printer (good but in German), Foto Classic (has the occasional excellent portfolio and some nice stuff on classic cameras - again in German) and Brennpunkt (always good and a bargain - it mainly about upcoming or current exhibitions in Germnay). And LFI (English version) plus the first issue of M (very good). So hardly any at all really! :rolleyes:

There are a few good online magazines and I usually download F11, Adore Noir and Adore Chroma and Blur (probably my favourite).

The most interesting magazine I have found though is Diffusion but it only comes out (approximately) once per year!

Are there any I'm missing out on - there's always room at the top of the stack!
I have at last figured out how to cancel my subscription to Professional Photographer (damned D/Ds!). It used to be good but now seems to be about how to start a wedding business - I just find it annoying and the content etc is very poor I think. I do still subscribe to BJP (excellent) and B&W though (although I agree the latter does get a bit samey)...

I recently cancelled my subscription to BJP. I felt that it had taken a turn for the worse and the last few issues had very little that took my interest.
I know what you mean, I think. The reason why I subscribed was because a few years ago I bought an issue while I was waiting for a train and was very impressed by the articles and the photography. These days I find that it has a lot of photography that I find banal but is trying to be interesting by being obscure and a bit whacky. Maybe if it changes for the better (IMO) I will subscribe again.
Years ago, when it was a weekly, it went through an obscure and whacky phase but luckily saw sense. The last few issues have been a bit 'dodgy' but still better than anything else out there. A few years back I stumbled upon a copy of American Photo in Athens airport. It was excellent but I haven't found another in an airport since. Keep meaning to give a subscription a go.
Thanks for the input guys...

When I first picked up a camera in anger, I ended up at saturation level with Mags but very quickly realized that the majority of them were:

a) all the same with regards to content, both monthly and annually (if one did an expose on Mono stuff, they all did!)
b) interested mainly in excessive computer manipulation and new kit
c) wanting me to part with ludicrous amounts of money on this new kit which I didn't really need...

To that end, I have given up on them all, except occasionally for a copy of B&W and Amateur Photographer, the latter of which is 60% advertising and could really be published as a pamphlet rather than a magazine....!

I agree with Rob about B&W becoming very samey, and it was for that reason that I gave spending so much money on's very nicely put together and published, but content-wise it's starting to tire...

I often wonder if the viral nature of the internet has stumped the printed mag somehow...