How Much Do I Charge?

Pui-Hang Miles

Active Member
I've had a few requests for prints of my Countryfile image "Dinner for One". As I've never sold prints before, I have no idea how much to charge! Prints will be A3 in size and double mounted onto card.

Any suggestions are most welcome!
Pui-Hang - I am the least qualified to reply, but seeing as you don't have an answer yet, perhaps I can offer some thoughts. I only ever sold at an exhibition in London a few years ago. There were 9 of us in all, sharing the costs of the gallery and there were very different opinions about what to charge. I never felt comfortable with it, so in the end I made myself a spread sheet and added up all the costs. I don't have it anymore, but it was the cost of the print, postage and packing from the printer to me, postage and packing from me to the customer, Paypal charges for sales from my web site, a bit of cover for inflation because I couldn't track all the costs and some might go up without my knowledge, artistic costs (that is, paying for someone who is better with a camera than the average person - that was the hardest for me) and finally a percentage for profit :)
Simple answer from me - I hope it helps.

I sell 20x16" mounted prints at £40. £25 if it's someone I know.

They cost me about a fiver for print, mount, backing board and bag. I use Cotswold mounts and DSCL prints.
What's your total cost to print/mount Pui-Hang?
Hi All, sorry for the late reply. It's been hectic on the work front and photography wise too! Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. I pretty much did as Lesley suggested which worked out well :-)