Chris Dodkin
West Coast Correspondent
Darren is on a roll!
Get it all, you know you want to
Get it all, you know you want to

Darren, with all these new purchases in the pipeline, you didn't happen to win a little bit on the Euro lottery did you??? As in £113million little bits.
I have no idea sweetcheeks lolol makes a change from you looking at my *** though lololol
ooo swear filter got me haha ok another name for a donkey sounds like pass
I wish glen....... if i had won that lottery i would buy all forum members a new camera........well the canon users anyhow......haha
LMAO @ laurie.........errrrrr do you have any pics of "Donkey" in the fore mentioned wesuit.......
yeah same here laurie cos i bought i phone few months back, then canon 100-400 & now another £2700 on Canon 7D & 70-200mm F2.8........which should be here monday woop woop
i was confused also chris.....i think he was meaning it was designed for a full frame camera, and due to crop factor i would loose a fair bit at wide end of lens......kinda put me off so i going to hire one in future & see what i think of it first b4 i buy it.
not sure Laurie weather to sell 40d or keep it as a back up..........
I think if I was buying a new 7D I would use my big lens on that and still keep my 450D with the Macro lens on it.
But that's just me....
yeah that seems a good idea glen, ready for action what ever occurs with your wildlife then wont you, i bet that works well.
Of course, once you've seen the images from the 7D....![]()