Might be being a bit dumb but going to ask anyway, on my the 'New Posts' tab and 'New Photos' will it highlight how many new posts there are like the old Site did? Or am I just not seeing it?
I don't know if it's because you are working on it Hamish...but trying to see "media" pics takes about 30 secs to load.'s much better now. just a ? inside a box shows.:mad:
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Just posted an image to the Photography Showcase, Hamish. I had a wee story about the image. But when I went to post it the system told me there was a 200 character limit. I ended up deleting my wee story just so I could post the pic. Its not a big deal, but I just didn't know I was running out of available characters.
Just noticed that you can't quote someone in a reply in the showcase section - just an observation of a subtle difference in the commenting section
Hamish, I posted one of my recent photos in the Showcase section. It is one photo from this year that I really like and I think it sort of typifies the kind of photography I do most. Is it ok to post a photo like that in the showcase even though its been previously posted in the Landscape forum?
Cheers Dave, but there is little I can do on my work PC. I have more time during my lunch break than I get at home, so that's when I like to read and post. Unforunately I can't see any of the showcase images either...

(Oh, I give up! I can't post at all without error messages popping up all over the place and I can't see what's being showcased either)
Hamish, I posted one of my recent photos in the Showcase section. It is one photo from this year that I really like and I think it sort of typifies the kind of photography I do most. Is it ok to post a photo like that in the showcase even though its been previously posted in the Landscape forum?

yes definitely, in fact I would go as far to say that is the point of the showcase :)
Cheers Dave, but there is little I can do on my work PC. I have more time during my lunch break than I get at home, so that's when I like to read and post. Unforunately I can't see any of the showcase images either...

(Oh, I give up! I can't post at all without error messages popping up all over the place and I can't see what's being showcased either)

is it all the showcase photos? I did notice some of Glenns were not loading properly, I think that might be a size of upload issue ... he has now been given guidance on size so should be fine from here on in.

With regards to the java issue, the one thing I cant fix with regard to the forum is the software on your computer. make sure your browser is up to date and you should be fine!