Lesley Jones
Otherwise know as Zooey
Thanks for killing the download button. I'm trying to reply with quote - I expect this to be a cunning plan at the very least!
(Drat - error message in the Javascript console - I had to delete the quote...)

Even a 10.2 mp picture is 5 mbAbout 1.5 meg Brian! 7.7 is BIG!
I had to update my java on the laptop last night before I could quote LesleyI've tried, but I can't quote a reply anywhere in the forum...
(Bloody, bloody Javascript error again. I get this about 50% of the times I try and post)
Hamish, I posted one of my recent photos in the Showcase section. It is one photo from this year that I really like and I think it sort of typifies the kind of photography I do most. Is it ok to post a photo like that in the showcase even though its been previously posted in the Landscape forum?
Cheers Dave, but there is little I can do on my work PC. I have more time during my lunch break than I get at home, so that's when I like to read and post. Unforunately I can't see any of the showcase images either...
(Oh, I give up! I can't post at all without error messages popping up all over the place and I can't see what's being showcased either)