Snap of the Day (2012)

Understood Dave - best wishes to you and yours :)
Good luck, Dave. I remember bringing our daughter home for the first time. I had just passed my driving test a week before, and we lived 15 miles from the hospital. I was so nervous, I drove at 15 miles per hour all the way. It was bendy country roads, and there was a tailgate of about 200 angry drivers behind me. But I did my job - brought her home safely :)

You'll be fine, and so will your wife and child.
I love my living room ... As we get to this time of year the sun starts shining in through the window in the evenings ... I can sit on the sofa and sun bathe ... It's mint!

Hamish, did you ever do that Time-lapse of your front room getting done out???
I did it ... I have a the pictures ... Im just hving trouble doing anything with them ...
it turns out 8000 raw files + crap laptop = frustration

Indeed it is... :)
Very sorry to hear that Dave I can't even begin to imagine how you feel...
Very sorry to hear your sad news Dave - our thoughts are with you and your good lady.
Very sorry to hear that Dave, best wishes to you both. Beautiful wreath btw.