Critique Required Undecided....

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
Now you all know I like my Monos but am undecided with this one....

Penarth Pier


Penarth Pier BW by Kev Pugh, on Flickr​


Penarth Pier by Kev Pugh, on Flickr​

I suppose it relies on what is it going to be used for so I am thinking probably as a mounted print as presented here maybe a larger slightly off white/ivory mount in a simple black frame.

Any thoughts welcomed


B/W for me too Kev.
Thanks All but I keep coming back to the colour version. Looks like I may just have to do a print of both and see which one sits better ;)

Thanks again for you help

I'm a sucker for B&W usually but actually I really like the colour version of this.

I think it's the contrast of the blue sky and cloud which you've captured fantastically against the sea which really sells it for me.
Pete...we would consider your application if we could agree on when and where the first meeting to confirm the membership committee appointments will be. The first discussion we had ended before we could even agree to disagree on discussing it. Kev went off to his making shed. I went off to my favorite bench to feed the ducks. I'm beginning to believe the club was doomed from the start. But I could be wrong...of course.
Pete...we would consider your application if we could agree on when and where the first meeting to confirm the membership committee appointments will be. The first discussion we had ended before we could even agree to disagree on discussing it. Kev went off to his making shed. I went off to my favorite bench to feed the ducks. I'm beginning to believe the club was doomed from the start. But I could be wrong...of course.

ROFLMAO Love that answer put a smile on my face whilst reading it 1st class By the way I prefer the B&W version to, colours looked a bit flat to me but may be the monitor I use ?
Contrarians United? Can I play? I think you will find I am a competent defender who can kick with either foot.

Oh wait,'s no a fitba team?

Color for me, Kev! No question about it. When I saw the BW I thought what a fine image. Then I scrolled down and saw I instantly liked the color better. I think there is something about the muted tones and the relative saturation of the sea. (No pun intended)