World Pinhole Day 2013

The 28th April 2013 was world pinhole day. Unfortunately I was travelling for much of the day otherwise I would have done something with the LF paper camera. So, I had to make do with a few shot in the evening with a Nikon D3 fitted with a Lensbaby Scout and pinhole plate. Here are two results processed in LR ad Nik SilverFX Pro 2


Bonnie fotie Pete. As Rob puts it, "grain City." But they're digital images aren't they? Should it be "noise city?

Regardless, there is a lovely softness in them, despite the grain/noise. The light reflecting off Ina's skin is also lovely, and her shadows on the unadorned wall as well as the B&W tones conjure images of 1920s German cinema, ala Fritz Lang. (Especially the second one in which the shadow peaked shoulder of the dress is reflected.) Two beauties, Pete!

I hope next week I can post a pinhole I took. Actually I shot a roll of 35mm in my Vivitar PN2011 modified with home made pinhole. Unfortunately, after rewinding the film--or more precisely, after thinking I had rewound the film--I opened the back to discover an 8 or 10 inch stretch of film not rolled back into the canister. Thinking the matter through I recalled a vague notion that had occured to me while shooting. That notion was,..."I don't quite feel the rewind crank turning when I advance to the next frame." On the strength of this recollection I concluded that the film had never quite wound on securely, and had somehow come free of the spool shortly after loading. So I wound the film on again and re-shot the roll. Wrong! the processed images were all double exposed and over exposed. So, I plan to take a rain check on World Pinhole Fotie Day, 2013.