Hi from Emma in Oz!

Emma Hicks

New Member
Hi all,

My name is Emma and I am from Melbourne in Oz!

I've been shooting for around 30 years as a hobby with a point and shoot. Recently I decided to go pro. I shoot with a Nikon D7000, but also have a D90. Although my composition skills are great, my technical skills need lots of work.

Currently studying a diploma of Photography at the Photographic Institute while putting a studio together at home.

Aside from God, nothing gives me greater joy than when I'm shooting people :p (My apologies if my sense of humour offends you)

Anyway, hoping to learn from you, maybe even street shoot with you sometime if you live near me.
Hi Emma from Oz, this is probably the best place to learn, you'll find a warm friendly welcome from all who frequent this virtual fountain of knowledge.

Welcome!! :) and don't worry about your sense of Humour I assure you you will find much humour around these parts :D:D:D
You like shooting God? There's a thought! Welcome, from a born-again atheist :D Thankfully, this site is all about photography! Looking forward to your photographic contributions :)
Haha, Rob, Beth got you there :)
Based on the evidence I see above, Rob isn't advocating the shooting any deity, nor is he arguing the non-existence of Emma's God, nor even her right to shoot him or her or not as she so wishes. That's what I believe. :)

Welcome, Emma. Looking forward to seeing some foties.
Based on the evidence I see above, Rob isn't advocating the shooting any deity, nor is he arguing the non-existence of Emma's God, nor even her right to shoot him or her or not as she so wishes. That's what I believe. :)

Yeah, I agree with your sentiment. I just found it funny how Beth preempted whatever implication Rob may or may not intend to raise in his original question :D.
Hello Emma and welcome.

No shortage of humour here.

You like shooting people and live in Melbourne. Sounds like a script for Underbelly to me!

How are you finding the PI course? Where are you up to with it?
Welcome Emma!

So did you jack-in a day job - or are you ramping up the photography whilst doing everything else as well?